SAFCO specializes in spray foam insulation for residential homes, as well as commercial and industrial projects. Projects range in size from a small addition to entire houses and the largest commercial buildings and institutions.

There are many types of insulation, but spray foam insulation is the best because it creates an air-tight seal in floors, walls, and ceilings according to scientific research. For this reason, SAFCO only offers spray foam insulation. We spray both open cell and closed cell foam, the two basic types available for building construction use. We use a variety of foams depending on the requirements the project. For example, an exterior wall will require a different product than a wine cellar.

Healthy, Quieter, Energy Efficient Home Insulation
The spray foam insulation used by SAFCO makes any structure healthier, quieter and more energy efficient
Healthier because Icynene spray foam products are CHPS (Collaborative for High Performance Schools) EQ 2.2 Section 01350 Compliant, meeting nationally recognized requirements as Low Emitting Materials (LEM) and Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP). Icynene spray foam products are 100% water-blown and contain no hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) or hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs).
Icynene seals out dust, pollen and other allergens from entering the structure. As air barriers, These products minimize the potential for airborne moisture build-up and related problems such as mold and mildew.

SAFCO Foam Insulation
is a licensed Icynene spray foam contractor.
We use Icynene, which is offered by one of the highest-quality spray foam manufacturers in the industry. This manufacturer has created a rigorous training and licensing program for its contractors like SAFCO Foam Insulation. You can avoid a spray foam insulation nightmare by becoming one of our customers.

SAFCO Foam insulation was born out of a desire to make our corner of the world cleaner, healthier, and more energy efficient. Since we started more than 14 years ago, we have insulated thousands of homes and businesses like yours. Unlike many of our competitors who provide several different types of insulation, we specialize in spray foam insulation, so we can provide the best insulation on the market today and be the best in our industry.
Now is the best time to spray foam your home or business. You start saving money right away and you can never get back the extra money you spent heating or cooling your home or business while waiting to improve your building! You also benefit immediately from improved comfort and cleaner, healthier air!
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